History of the Azores: Questions and Answers


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History of the Azores: Questions and Answers

“In 70 questions, the author clarifies essential parts of our collective memory, which are part of more than 500 years of history. The answers: we write them daily.”

Susana Goulart Costa
University of the Azores


History of the Azores: Questions and Answers is an important volume for those hoping to better understand the cultural origins of the Portuguese who settled the Atlantic archipelago. It is especially valuable for Azorean diaspora two, three, or in my case, four generations removed from their ancestral homeland who no longer speak the language and hold desperately to the few remaining cultural markers. It is sure to be prized by both the family genealogists hoping to learn more about the lived experiences of their ancestors and the scholar hoping to contextualize Azoreanness in light of transnational migration and ongoing mobility.

Michael C. DeMattos
University of Hawaii

Autor: Luís Mendonça

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Dimensões (C x L x A) 23 × 16 × 1,58 cm







Capa mole




Letras Lavadas / Bruma Publications


Luís Mendonça

Was born on the island of S. Miguel, Azores, more precisely in the municipality of Povoação, in 1963. He attended the University of the Azores, completing a Bachelor’s degree in History and Social Sciences in 1987. In 2015 he completed a Master’s degree in History, specializing in colonial Brazil, at FLUL – Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. He teaches History (Secondary Education), which he tries to reconcile with his research activity in the History of the Azores and Brazil. This activity has already resulted in several publications, of which the following stand out (original titles in Portuguese). He has also published historical fiction. This is his first book translated into English.
História dos Açores, Visão Geral (sécs. XV-XX), 1ª edição de 1996 e 2ª edição de 2000.
Aspectos da Vida Quotidiana nos Açores, Perspectiva Histórica, edição de 1998.
História da Povoação, Perspectiva Geral, edição de 2001, Câmara Municipal da Povoação.
Emigração Açoriana (sécs. XVIII-XX), em co-autoria com José Ávila, Lisboa, edição de 2002.
Ao Leme do Destino, uma saga açoriana, (romance histórico), edição da Veraçor, 2010.
Ilhéus para Sempre (romance histórico), edição de 2012.
Ascensão e “Decadência de Goiás sob o signo do ouro (1722-1822), Goiânia – GO, Editora Kelps, 2014.
História dos Açores em Datas, Lisboa, 2015.
Viver à Lei da Nobreza. Trajetórias Sociais dos “Cavaleiros do Ouro” numa Capitania de Mineração: (Goiás entre 1750 e 1800). Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na FLUL, 2015.
Perguntas e Respostas sobre a História dos Açores, Letras Lavadas edições, 2016.
História de Portugal, Perguntas e Respostas, Guerra e Paz editores, 2018.
Aspetos da Vida Quotidiana nos Açores, Perspetiva Histórica, Letras Lavadas edições, 2021.


Diniz Borges

Diniz Borges, born in Terceira Island, Azores, emigrated with his family to the United States when he was ten years old. He has translated various works of poetry, prose, and essays. Borges is a weekly op-ed writer for several newspapers in the Azores and the Azorean Diaspora in the United States and Canada, focusing on issues of integration, acculturation, and identities, as well as literary, political, and social analyses. He teaches and researches at the California State University Fresno, where he is the founding director of the Portuguese Beyond Bordes Institute (PBBI). He has published several books with cultural essays and chronicles on the Portuguese-American experience. Translated books and anthologies:

On a Leaf of Blue – Bilingual Anthology of Azorean Contemporary Poetry, U. C. Berkeley, 2003
I No Longer Like Chocolates – translation with Katherine Baker of a novel by Alamo Oliveira. Portuguese Heritage Publications of California, 2006.
My Californian Friends – translation of a collection of poetry from Portuguese to English with K. Baker, works of poet Vasco Pereira da Costa. Portuguese Heritage Publications of California, 2009.
The Portuguese Presence in California – translation of the historical book on the Portuguese-American experience written by Eduardo Mayone Dias with K. Baker and B. Chamberlain, PHPC, 2009.
A Love Story – for a portrait of the Portuguese at Lajes Field and the affections that time left behind. (Translation of the story of the Lajes Base in Terceira Island written by Joel Neto), CRT, Terceira, 2020.
Caligraphy of the Birds – translation of the poetry of the Azorean poet Angela de Almeida. Nona Poesia and Bruma Publications, 2022.
Through the Walls of Solitude – translation of a poetry collection to English from Azorean Poet Álamo Oliveira. Bruma Publications and Letras Lavadas, 2023.
Into the Azorean Sea, a bilingual anthology of Azorean Poetry, Bruma Publications and Letras Lavadas, 2023.

ISBN: 9789897354779


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