Inner Snow


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Inner Snow

Alberto Pereira a contemporary poet from Portugal, weaves intricate tapestries of emotion and contemplation through his verses. His poetry is a captivating blend of vivid imagery, introspection, and a profound connection to human experience. Pereira’s words uniquely traverse the tangible and intangible boundaries, inviting readers to explore the depths of their feelings and thoughts. Pereira’s poetry resonates with a universal essence that transcends borders and speaks to the shared human condition. His work exemplifies the richness and vitality of contemporary Portuguese poetry, drawing readers into a world where the beauty of language and the depths of human emotion converge in eloquent harmony.

Diniz Borges translator


Author: Alberto Pereira


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Dimensões (C x L x A)20 × 15 × 0,9 cm




N.º Páginas



Capa mole


Letras Lavadas


Author: Alberto Pereira

Born in Lisbon. Graduated in Nursing. Postgraduate in Forensics. Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis. He is a member of the Portuguese PEN Club. He has published the following books: O áspero hálito do amanhã (2008); Amanhecem nas rugas precipícios (2011); Poemas com Alzheimer (2013); O Deus que matava poemas (2015); Biografia das primeiras coisas (2016); Viagem à demência dos pássaros (2017, Portugal/ 2022, Brasil); Bairro de Lata (2017, Brasil); Como num naufrágio interior morremos (2019, Portugal/ Brasil); Neve interior (2021); Ecocardiodrama (2022) and Aforismos a 600 anos-luz (2022) – the verses were transformed into binary code and into radio waves, were sent by a robotic arm from Punta Arenas in Chile to the Coal Sack Nebula, located in the Southern Hemisphere, 600 light-years from Earth, as part of the “Universal Poem” project, where it will arrive in 2622. He has participated in collections of short stories and poetry. His work has been translated into German, Chinese, French, Greek, English, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Swedish, and Turkish. He has been published in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Spain, France, India, Mexico, Peru, and Switzerland. He has awarded several prizes, including Literary Prize for Short Story (2011); Agostinho Gomes Literary Prize (2013); Manuel António Pina Literary Prize – National Press Museum (2013) and Honorable Mention (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020); Honorable Mention in the Glória de Sant’Anna International Poetry Prize (2018 and 2020), respectively with the books, Viagem à demência dos pássaros and Como num naufrágio interior morremos; Honorable Mention in the International Natália Correia Poetry Prize (2021) with the book Ecocardiodrama; Winner of the Cesar Vallejo International Prize for Literary Excellence (2021) – Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores; Clarice Lispector Literature Prize (2022) with the book Neve Interior; Ulysses Literary Prize (2023).


Tradução: Diniz Borges

emigrated to the United States from the Azores Islands at the age of 10. He teaches and researches at California State University, Fresno where he directs the Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute.   He writes a weekly column for several newspapers on cultural, social, and political issues in the US and the Portuguese Diaspora experience.
Books Published
• América: O Outro Lado do Sonho – 1997
• Uma Outra América – 2001
• Alfred Lewis: Escritor de Emoções – 2002
• América: O Outro Rosto – 2003
• Nem Sempre a Saudade Chora – 2004 (Second Edition in 2020)
• O Outro Lado da Saudade – 2005
• Uma Década Perdida – 2012
• À Sombra da Saudade – 2019
• On a Leaf of Blue – Bilingual Anthology of Azorean Poetry – 2003
• I No Longer Like Chocolates – translation with K. Baker, 2006
• My Californian Friends – translation with K. Baker, 2009
• The Portuguese Presence in California – translation with K. Baker
and B. Chamberlain, 2009
• A Love Story – for a portrait of the Portuguese at Lajes Field
and the affections that time left behind, Joel Neto – 2020
• Calligraphy of the Birds, Ângela de Almeida – 2022
• Through the Walls of Solitude, Álamo Oliveira – 2023
• Into the Azorean Sea – Bilingual Anthology of Azorean Poetry – 2023
• History of the Azores – Questions and Answers, Luís Mendonça – 2023
• Between Words, Vera Duarte – 2023


ISBN: 9789897354946

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