Shades of Black and Gray


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Shades of Black and Gray – An Inquiry into the Island of Pico and its History

In 1867, the American steamer “Quaker City” arrived at Horta in the Azores bound on a five-month journey to Europe and the Holy Land. Its most prominent passenger, Samuel Clemens, wrote that the Azores were so “little known” that, on the whole ship, “there was not a solitary individual who knew anything whatever about them.” But this obscurity was not limited to American travelers.

In 1926, the Portuguese writer Raul Brandão visited the Azores, including the island of Pico, and wrote a classic of Portuguese travel literature. Its title As Ilhas Desconhecidas – The Unknown Islands – speaks for itself. Indeed, the island of Pico has been covered in a virtual fog of almost perfect obscurity. So much so that, in his 2012 book, Roger Lovegrove featured the island of Pico as one of the world’s twenty most remote and isolated places.

This English-language work, Shades of Black and Gray – an Inquiry into the Island of Pico and its History, attempts to dispel some of this fog by illuminating Pico’s history in question-and-answer format. The work addresses the island’s discovery and settlement and other essential elements such as religion, whaling, winemaking, and emigration that helped shape the island from the 15th century to the current date.

Autor: Joel Silveira Ávila

Parceria com a Bruma Publications


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Dimensões (C x L x A) 25,5 × 20,5 × 3,5 cm



Janeiro – 2025




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Shades of Black and Gray

Joel Silveira Ávila

Joel Silveira Ávila was born in Fetais da Piedade, on the island of Pico. Together with his parents, João Pereira Ávila and Leonela Silveira Ávila, he emigrated to the United States in 1963 at the age of seven. Joel holds a BA, MBA, and JD, all from the University of Massachusetts. He is married to the former Susan Bedard, and they have three adult children and three grandchildren.

Joel recently retired from a career in Information Technology and was active in local government as an elected member of the Planning Board in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. He is the author of the article “The Dabneys on Pico – A Forgotten Heritage,” published in the 2023 edition of the Boletim Nucleo Cultural da Horta. We thank the following distinguished Pico Island natives and their families for sponsoring the publication of this book: Helder and Cindy Domingos Manuel Eduardo and Laurinda Vieira Maria Hortência Silveira Ângelo Garcia


ISBN: 9789897355721

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