Author: José Pedro Leite
José Pedro Leite, 42, was born in Porto, Portugal, and has a degree in Law from the Portuguese Catholic University. He is a poet, a publisher, and a translator and teaches poetry writing workshops. A prolific and profound poet with 11 books of poetry published.
• Outros litorais (2008)
• As mãos e o lume (2009), winner of the Políbio Gomes dos Santos Prize
• Respiração Vertical (2011), honorable mention in the Irene Lisboa Prize in 2013
• M (2013)
• O Conhecimento dos Vulcões (2015)
• A Invenção do Verão (2019)
• A Construção dos Lábios (2020)
• Escarpas (2021)
• Ascensor de Sombras, winner of the Natália Correia Literary Prize (2021)
• Onde morrem os Barcos (2022)
• Manual de Relentos (2023)
Luisa Mira Corrêa
Luisa Mira Corrêa was born in Porto, Portugal, on November 26, 1977. She is a Chef with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Languages (Translation) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. Works translated: • The Mystery of the Portuguese Waltzes (by Richard Simas, (2019) • Rising of the Shadows (by José Pedro Leite, 2023).
Diniz Borges
Diniz Borges was born in Praia da Vitória,
Terceira Island, Azores. At 10, he emigrated with his parents to the United States. He is a lecturer and researcher at
California State University, Fresno, where he founded and directs the Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute (PBBI) — and a member of various Portuguese-American organizations. He is the author of several books dedicated to political and cultural analysis of the USA and the Azorean diaspora in North America. He has translated and published poetry, narrative fiction, and essays. He has coordinated and published several anthologies.
ISBN: 9789897354991