The Elderly
Author: Paula de Sousa Lima
Was born in Lisbon to Azorean parents and has lived in the Azores since the age of six, with a brief stint in Mozambique. She has a Modern Languages and Literatures degree and a master’s degree in Portuguese Literature. A secondary school teacher, she also taught in higher education for over a decade. Higher Education for over a decade. She has published articles on literature, language, and didactic in specialist journals as part of her academic research. She has regularly contributed to newspapers with chronicles and articles on literature and language for several years. For many years, he wrote a fortnightly column in Açoriano Oriental, a fortnightly column entitled “Penso, logo escrevo”, and currently writes the column ‘Lições de Português.’ She has been a Regional Reading Plan Coordinating Committee member since 2011. She is the co-author of a grammar book (Explicações de Português), published by ASA.
She has published short stories, novels, poetry and chronicles. In the area of short stories, he has published around two dozen in newspapers and in the NEO, Insulana, Transeatlântico and Grotta magazines, she is represented in collections and is the author of “O outro lado do mundo” (Daniel de Sá Prize 2016) and “Pretérito quase perfeito e outros contos” (Companhia das Ilhas). She has published seven novels: “Crónica dos senhores do Lenho” (Macaronésia), “Variações em dor maior” (Seara Verde), “Tempo adiado” (ASA, LeYa), “Os últimos dias de Pôncio Pilatos” (Casa das Letras, LeYa), “Mas Deus não dá licença que partamos” (Letras Lavadas) and “O Paraíso” (Finalist LeYa Prize, Casa das Letras, LeYa) and “Os Velhos” (Letras Lavadas). In poetry, the works “Quando eu mover a sombra das montanhas” (Letras Lavadas), and co-authored with Leonardo Sousa, “Correspondência“. In the field of chronicles, she has published the book “Penso, logo escrevo” (Letras Lavadas), a collection of texts published in the newspaper Açoriano Oriental. Her most recent work, Frente e Verso (Letras Lavadas), combines short stories and poetry.
Tradução: Diniz Borges
Was born in Praia da Vitória, Terceira Island, Azores. At 10, he emigrated with his parents to the United States. He teaches and researches at California State University, Fresno, where he founded and directs the Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute (PBBI), with an amalgam of initiatives and projects, including the Fresno State Portuguese-American Oral History Project. He is a member of various Portuguese-American organizations. He is a contributing writer for several newspapers in the Azores and the Azorean Diaspora in the United States and Canada. The author of several books dedicated to political and cultural analysis of the USA and the Azorean Diaspora in North America. He has translated and published poetry, narrative fiction, and essays. He has coordinated and published several poetry anthologies. He is the director of the platforms filamentos (arts and letters in the Azorean Diaspora) and Novidades (the islands and the diaspora).
ISBN: 9789897355783